Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar
Comedies from modern Saturday Night Live actors tend to have a quality when it comes to their intended goofy films. There's a notion that because they are on the show that means their presence is enough to sell attention for their features where in reality it's a cause of concern. Those cast members feels confident in their improv skills to the point where it appears their scripts have tons of empty spaces that expects them to shine with whatever random line is chosen as hilarious. This brings us to a new entry within this area, Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar, which was directed by Josh Greenbaum and written by its two leads Kristen Wiig and Annie Munolo. There was little marketing for it but it appeared to look nothing special and had little social media buzz. I wanted to see if Kristen can makeup for her recent blunders from being mishandled by Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) but after watching this, my views of this actress declined with this bland forgettable throwaway movie.
But the execution is overabundant of attempts at awkward humor that wants to keep trying until something lands. The script is very predictable and familiar but doesn't attempt to sticking with something that works (such as the fun musical or song sequences) and tries everything to see if anything makes impact. The best way to describe this would be a mediocre mix of an Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell blend of silliness without committing to any of it. The addition of having a villain arc drags the already struggling flick down further, especially with the final act.
How are the actors? In regards to story importance, the actors to focus on are Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo. Since Kristen Wiig is portraying different roles, let's start with how she and Annie fare as the besties. Chemistry between the both of them is solid though it's easy to see how Annie is putting more effort in while Kristen is phoning it in with her schtick. As far as Wiig's other role is concerned, she's attempting something different as a "comedic" villain but it doesn't help that her pride in uncomfortable jokes falters here too. Honorable mentions Jamie Dornan for appearing to be the only story actor among the cast who's bringing a genuine effort while looking like he's on vacation to forget that the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy ever exists.
Overall Consensus: Barb & Star go to Vista Del Mar is a bland forgettable attempt at a comedy that missed its potential due to weak improvisation, predictable uninteresting premise, mixed performances, and lack of focus in entertainment. ⭑⭑1/2 Runtime: 1 hour 47 minutes PG-13
Reasons to watch it: You are a fan of the aforementioned actors and/or filmmaker Josh Greenbaum. You want to put something on as background noise.
Reasons to avoid it: You aren't a fan of the aforementioned actors and/or filmmaker Josh Greenbaum. You dislike boring recycled screenplays that overuse cliches and stereotypes. You aren't interested in mediocre products from SNL cast members that rely too much on weak improv skills and star power.
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